Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Reba RIP

Well, I hope Sandy lives forever, because I don't think I could do that ever again. We took Reba in today first thing in the morning. It took them longer to shave her leg to put the needle in than it did for her to die. They weren't even done giving her the shot when she fell over and went to sleep. I have to say sleep because it's the only soothing thing about today. When we burried her she was still warm. It's so hard to believe she's actually gone. She was a good girl. I just got some pictures back and I took pictures of Lily and Sandy, but no Reba. I think I'll always regret that. I have no pictures to post of her. She was a black lab, springer spaniel mix. She was beautiful when she was groomed. She was just too scared of a hair dryer to do it. Okay, I think I've gotten it all out. Hope you all are well.

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